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Pets in need of rehoming exists to help rehouse pets just like those listed below; cats, dogs and other pets without homes of their own. Please browse through the listings to look for a pet you feel you can adopt. This page and those that follow contain listings of all types of pet, including homeless cats, dogs and other small pets. You can also use the 'Find an Adoptable Pet' menu item above to restrict your search to a specific type of pet.

If you are interested in adopting any of the animals listed below, click on its photo or name to read more. Each pet listing includes a way of contacting the current owner-keeper to discuss adoption. In any event, thank you for taking the time to browse!

  • Pet Types

  • County - Region

Can you adopt Sandy?

Located in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire

Can you adopt Biscuit?

Located in Maidstone, Kent

Can you adopt Monster?

Located in Shropshire, Shropshire

Can you adopt Roxy?

Located in Accrington, Lancashire

Can you adopt Queen?

Located in Crewe, Cheshire

Can you adopt Hoxii?

Located in Wakefield, West Yorkshire

Can you adopt Lola?

Located in East Grinstead, Sussex

Can you adopt Suzy?

Located in Londkn, London – Greater London

Can you adopt Chucky?

Located in Newquay, Cornwall

Can you adopt Bear?

Located in Birmingham, West Midlands

Can you adopt No name?

Located in Bolton, Greater Manchester

Can you adopt Basil?

Located in Cheam, London – Greater London

Can you adopt Egu?

Located in Wakefield, West Yorkshire

Can you adopt Pirlo?

Located in Dunfermline, Fife and Central

Can you adopt Wren?

Located in Southampton, Hampshire

Can you adopt Storm?

Located in Wellesbourne, Warwickshire

Can you adopt Honey?

Located in Slough, London – Greater London

Can you adopt Moose?

Located in Folkestone, Kent

Can you adopt Moon?

Located in Lytham st Anne’s, Lancashire

Can you adopt Mittens?

Located in Hinckley, Leicestershire

Can you adopt Poppet?

Located in Hinckley, Leicestershire

Can you adopt Leo?

Located in Slough, London – Greater London

Can you adopt Digby?

Located in Burnley, Staffordshire

Can you adopt Sparky?

Located in BIRMINGHAM, West Midlands

Can you adopt Blue?

Located in BRADFORD, West Yorkshire

Can you adopt Arlo?

Located in Thrapston, Northamptonshire

Can you adopt Bella?

Located in Winchester, Hampshire

Can you adopt Bella?

Located in East croydon, Surrey

Can you adopt Duke?

Located in Wirral, Merseyside

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