Pet Adoption Adverts
Place a Pet Adoption Advert
Adoptable.co.uk exists to allow UK Pet Rescue or Pet Welfare organisations and private pet owners with a place where you can freely advertise pets which are in need of new homes. If you need to rehome a cat, dog, rabbit or any other sort of domestic pet, you can advertise it here, for free, provided it is for adoption, not sale.
We have had a plague of unethical puppy sellers trying to sneak puppy adverts onto the site and while we normally delete the posts and users the same day, we would advise any potential adopters to avoid such people – if they’re prepared to pretend to be offering pets for adoption, who knows what other dishonest practices they indulge in…?
All users, private individuals and pet welfare organisations, must register for a user account in order to be able to publish adverts. Adoption adverts can only be placed by logged-in users, and all adverts are manually checked prior to publication, to avoid inevitable abuses. We also have a couple of simple terms and conditions, as shown below.
Free Advertising Conditions
Advertisers must register prior in order to advertise and the registration process includes an email verification check.
Pets may not be offered for sale and all advertised pets must be located in the UK.
Each pet adoption advert must include a suitable photo of the pet.
Website links are not permitted in adverts.
We ask all users to remember to delete adoption adverts once when a pet has been rehomed.
We reserve the right to decline or delete any user registration or adoption advert at our discretion and without notice.